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[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

How to Tone Your Legs - How to Lose Inner Thigh Fat Fast!

Here's how to lose inner thigh fat fast. You'll tone your legs and make your legs look thinner and more sexy with results in just minutes a day. It's fast, it's easy, and it doesn't require much of your free time.

How to Tone Your Legs
1. Jump on a mini-trampoline
This is good for your whole body, but the resistance and tension from the jumps is extra good for your legs. This is a great exercise for overweight people because it's low impact compared to such things as jogging.
You can do this 2 ways... do all your jumping at once and get in the 20-30 minutes and be done with it. Or, a better way in my opinion... jump 2 minutes at a time whenever you have some free time. This is better because it helps to "STIMULATE" your metabolism multiple times.

2. Walking on a treadmill that you incline to 15 degrees
The key to this is inclining the treadmill. Walking on a flat surface isn't good for fast weight loss results, but walking slightly uphill IS!
So find a treadmill that adjusts and inclines and then slightly incline it and get walking for 20-25 minutes at least 4 times a week. If you're use to walking, just making this 1 change will make a HUGE difference and you'll almost immediately start to burn off fat.
It's a small change, but it yields big results. I'll even give you a bonus tip to get more out of walking. Take a deep breath at least once a minute. A really big deep breath. What this does is it forces more oxygen into your body thereby creating a more oxidizing - fat burning effect within the body.
Do these 2 exercises and you'll have 2 keys on how to lose inner thigh fat fast. You'll quickly tone your legs in a few short weeks.

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