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[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

Getting a Bigger Butt Naturally - Your Guide to a Curvier You - No Surgery Required!

Real women have curves, so the saying goes. While you can look gorgeous with whatever figure you have, you know your silhouette could look far better if you had a bigger behind. Imagine how nice it would be to strut in those new pair of jeans or in that body-hugging cocktail dress if only you had been more blessed in the butt department. While some women rely on surgery to address this problem, there are actually natural ways to reach your goal. Getting a bigger butt naturally is a simple task-you can even do it in the comfort of your own home. All it takes is some heart and dedication to perform these exercises to make your butt bigger. Incorporate these in your exercise routine, you'll soon be giving Kim Kardashian a run for her money!
When it comes to specific exercises, getting a bigger and rounder butt comes easy with the likes of squats and step ups. It may help to work out at the gym, but you can do the exercises on your own if you know how to perform the routine correctly. Let this be your guide to getting a bigger butt naturally.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms in front of you. While keeping your back straight, slowly bend your knees and lower your buttocks-as you would when sitting on a chair. Press into your heels to return to the starting position. Throughout the exercise, make sure that your knees don't push forward beyond your toes. Do 2 sets of 15 repetitions.
Step ups
Begin by laying your foot on a step. With all your weight on the stepping leg, press into your heel to lift your body up. Get back to the starting position and move on to the other foot. For optimum results, the step should have a height that makes a 90-degree angle with your knee. Again, do 2 sets of 15 repetitions.
A 30-minute run each day complements these exercises and will help you to get a bigger butt naturally. Running on an incline does wonders not only for your glutes but to your overall health as well. After all, flaunting a bigger and rounder butt isn't any good if you're health isn't in tiptop condition. As long as you commit to these exercises at least 3 times a week and maintain a healthy lifestyle, a curvier silhouette will be yours in no time.

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