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[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

How to Lose Inches Off Waist

Quick and simple... how to lose inches off waist. I want to be very clear with you, this is totally possible without having to rely on some extreme diet where you starve yourself or feel deprived... and without having to exercise for an hour a day.
So if you're struggling with weight loss, then take a look at some of these SECRET BREAKTHROUGH tactics to lose pounds and inches fast.
How to Lose Inches Off Waist
1. To lose inches fast, it's not all about diet and exercise... think hormones
Your hormones are an important factor regulating whether you lose weight or not. If you're really overweight, the chances are that your hormones are unbalanced and hurting your weight loss efforts.
A secret exercise that is becoming widely popular is to spin around like children. Research is just now learning about the effects of spinning on your hormones. Spinning regularly will balance your hormones over time because of how your Endocrine System is affected by spinning.
Here are 2 tips on spinning from 1 of my ebooks. Number one, clockwise is the way to spin. Number two, don't worry too much about how fast or how many times you spin around during each set... just spin until you get slightly dizzy.
Doing this will FORCE YOUR BODY to lose inches fast.
2. Top waist reducing exercise... the vacuum pose
No direct abs exercise beats this one when it comes to dropping inches from your waist. NONE! It's basically an isometric belly sucking-in exercise. You know how to suck in your belly already, just make sure to make a small change by focusing on sucking in your belly button when doing these.
Besides that, just hold the isometric pose for 20-30 seconds or longer to get great results. What kind of results? Well, just 5 minutes a day for around 25-30 days and you'll lose about 1.75 inches from your belly if you're anything like 100's of my clients!
That's how to lose inches off waist... FAST!

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