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[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

How to Lose Waist Inches - Weight Loss in Just Minutes a Day at Home

Here's how to lose waist inches... weight loss in just minutes a day at home. If you follow what I say, you will easily lose about 2 inches from your waist in a few weeks without much effort. In fact, you can even do this during tv commercials.

How to Lose Waist Inches Fast
1. Focus 5 minutes a day on doing the Vacuum Pose
You probably never heard of that name before, but you're familiar with the exercise. It's merely sucking in your stomach and holding it. Just 1 thing... when doing this, suck in and hold your belly button... the lower belly.
I'm sure you've sucked in your belly before, but you probably sucked in the upper part. Don't focus on that with this exercise.
Anyway, you can suck in and hold your stomach for 15-30 seconds at a time, rest a few seconds, then repeat for 5 minutes. You can also spread it out during the day. I use tv commercials personally.
2. Use a hula hoop for waist size reduction
Hula hooping is an overlooked exercise. That's too bad because it's awesome at creating incredible definition in the waist and hips. A nice feminine definition that gives women a curvy, yet lean, look.
Just do it for 5 minutes a day. Again, you can spread it out or do it all at once. It's up to you and how busy your schedule is.
3. Once you get a little definition, do isometric abs squeezes
These are great for finishing off your waist to make it look as flat and lean as possible. What you do is tighten and squeeze your abs for 15 seconds on and off for a few minutes a day. That's it.
Combine those 3 and that's how to lose waist inches fast.

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