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[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

How to Lose Weight Without Dieting - Weight Loss Made Easy With These Exercises

Here's how to lose weight without dieting. This is weight loss made easy because these are some awesome exercises that are quick to do and get fast results. As long as you eat decent, you should lose weight with these exercises.

How to Lose Weight Without Dieting
First exercise, do spins.
Remember what it was like as a kid, you'd spin around aimlessly. Well do that kinda... minus the aimlessly part. Just spin around. The only requirement... be sure to stop spinning once you feel slightly dizzy.
Other than that, spin often. Hey, it only takes 15 seconds of your time.
So you're wondering why this works? To paraphrase my Spinning for Weight loss ebook... basically most people who are overweight have unbalanced and out-of-whack hormones that are putting the brakes on weight loss. Once you "take your foot off the brakes" by bringing balance to your hormones, you begin to lose weight.
Spinning is the "take your foot off the brakes" due to it's powerful affect on the Endocrine System.
Second exercise, hindu squats.
Ever wonder if it was possible to induce rapid weight loss in just 5 minutes? Well, the answer is YES, it is possible... IF you do hindu squats. Hindu squats are easy. Just squat up and down fast... with your own bodyweight.
The only difference is that your heels come up off the ground for balance... since you're going so fast. You also might want to swipe the ground with your fingers to be sure you went down far enough in your squats. Don't cheat!
The goal is simple... get 100 reps in under 5 minutes.
When you're able to do that, your body is primed up for rapid weight loss. If you're feeling ambitious, do a second set of 5 minutes hours later.
Simply put, this is weight loss made easy. How to lose weight without dieting becomes a simple matter of doing 2 exercises that require less than 10 minutes of your time each day.

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