All HEALTH and FITNESS information published on this blog is meant only as a guideline, always be sure to contact your healthcare provider as soon as you have any concerns.
By TIPS at April 05, 2020
If you're retaining water and looking for a natural way to help minimize or eliminate this problem, then read this article to find out why you may be retaining water and what you can do about it.
In most cases, if you don't drink enough water, your body is forced to retain extra water because it thinks there's a situation where it won't get enough water in the future. So whatever water you do get, it hoards. It's a self-protection mechanism so you don't die.
The body can't store it's own water... it needs a constant supply and resupply of water to function. This is how you stop retaining water... by drinking enough of it. But wait. Don't over-drink and gulp down water in big doses. You'll want to drink a little water often instead of a lot of water not so often so the water doesn't just pass through the body without adding any benefit to you.
So just sip water throughout the day. That's ideal.
Don't forget that fruits are high in water content also. Fruits such as apples, grapes, and grapefruits are the best choices. "Eating" water is just as good as drinking it.
So how much water is ideal for you?
Divide whatever your weight is by 2... that's how many ounces of water you should drink each day if you want to stop retaining water. This is probably nothing new to you. Very basic stuff.
One last thing... whenever possible, drink filtered water since our water supply has so many harmful metals and substances floating in it.
So basically, just drink a lot of water in small doses each day in order to stop retaining water.
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