Enter living foods.
The first step towards healing and vibrant health, no matter where you live, what you do, how much you earn or where you come from, is with food. Food is the fuel that keeps the engine running. Food provides the body with essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, fats and sugars. Food keeps us alive and helps us to stay healthy - so long as we feed ourselves healthful food.
The most healthful food one can eat is food in its natural, whole, living state: raw food. Raw foods include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and seaweeds as well as superfoods and superherbs. Living foods, foods that are not cooked above 105-114 degrees, contain vital enzymes, nutrients and life! The more we eat the more life we have.
The struggle, however, lies not in the food itself but in a person's ability to eat more of it. Surrounded as we are by meals that practically prepare themselves, ready-to-eat sugary snacks, and fast food restaurants on every corner, it can be very difficult to not only change our eating habits but to begin to adapt ones that require care, attention and commitment.
So the best way to start is slowly. When transitioning to more of a raw food diet, small changes are huge. Diet is not another word for deprivation. Diet means a way that a person or community habitually eats. The easiest way to alter one's diet is to gently add into it energy-giving, life-sustaining foods. Then as you eat more of the new foods, you naturally begin to eat less of the sugary, high-fat, white flour foods that deprive you of energy and radiant health.
To begin on this journey, start by adding to both your mind and your body. Spend ten to fifteen minutes a day reading or watching information about raw foods. Educate yourself on the benefits and the reasons why living foods lead to a healthier life. As the mind is inspired, the body will follow.
For the body, start with one or two low-glycemic fruits like berries, cherries, pears, plums and grapefruit. Try having a grapefruit with breakfast or cherries in a smoothie. Have a small salad at lunch. Add some spinach to your smoothie. Grab some raw nut butter and baby carrots for a snack. Each week add one to two more servings of uncooked fruit and vegetables to your daily regimen. Before you know it you'll be downing glasses of green juice and eating large salads for dinner.
And you will feel fantastic!
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