An easy way to understand food addiction in a simple format is to understand that as humans, everyone overeats from time to time; but food addicts overeat all the time.
They do not overeat because the body is hungry but because that is a persona own way of coping with stress or emotional or physical issues. At this point, if someone cannot overeat, he or she often times experience anxiety or panic attacks because he or she does not have what normally gives them comfort or pleasure.
It is the equivalent of someone who is addicted to cigarettes; they calm down when they smoke, but if they do not, mood swings or other emotional or mental issues arise.
Like previously mentioned, food addictions are similar to drug addictions. A food addiction affects your mood, physical cues, temper, and other mental and physical attributes or habits. Without their addiction available, the person changes, just like an addict who goes through withdrawals.
Understanding food addiction is essential for health professionals and citizens alike in providing care and support for someone you know and love, who is has allowed food to take over their lives.
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