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5 Typical Heartburn Symptoms in Women

Heartburn is very common in women. It's good to know that what you are feeling is heartburn and not a heart attack, but if you have any doubt, be sure to get checked out by a doctor. Women have hormones that fluctuate more than men and, of course, can become pregnant which adds to the reasons for heartburn.

Because heartburn is located in the general area between the bottom of the esophagus and the top of the stomach, the initial pain feels as if it's behind the breastbone. It can spread and even be felt in the back. Pain from heartburn will not usually be experienced in the stomach itself or lower abdomen. Pain in these areas would more likely be from problems in the stomach or colon. The burning sensation in the esophagus is caused by stomach acid backing up and burning its delicate lining.

Pain After Eating:
After you eat is a typical time to experience heartburn pain and or discomfort. You may have eaten too much and your stomach contents may be pushing up into your esophagus. This can happen easily during the last trimester of pregnancy. As the food mixes with stomach acid, and comes into contact with the esophageal tissues, it creates a painful burning sensation. If you limit the amount of food you eat and eat several smaller meals, the heartburn should lessen.

Sore throat:
When acid refluxes up into the throat over many days or even months, it can affect the throat and vocal cords. This can cause hoarseness and throat pain. If you are a singer or speaker, be aware that your vocal quality can be adversely affected by acid reflux. If you drink alcohol (including beer and wine), the esophageal sphincter can be weakened, causing more reflux.

You may not associate coughing with heartburn, but acid reflux can be aspirated into the top part of the lungs. This can cause coughing and asthma-like symptoms as the nerves in your lungs react to prevent the acid from entering. Lying down after a meal causes the acid to come up more easily, so avoid lying down for 2-3 hours after you eat.

Sour taste:
If you bend over from the waist when you have heartburn, you may notice a sour taste in your mouth. That is the stomach acid refluxing. To avoid this, bend at your knees if you need to pick something up.
Of course, the best way to deal with symptoms of heartburn is to prevent it from happening in the first place. You can do this with many foods that act as natural remedies and through simple physical changes in your lifestyle. Just knowing the proper way to exercise and what kind of clothing to wear can make a huge difference in how heartburn is experienced. Learning to keep a food diary and how to make proper food choices will also help you ease the pain of heartburn.

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