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[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

How to Get Rid of Stomach Fat - Results in Just Minutes a Day!

Here's how to get rid of stomach fat while getting results in just minutes a day. You'll be able to start getting toned and defined abs without jogging and without crunches.

Get Rid of Stomach Fat
1. To effectively lose belly fat, you need some sort of cardio exercise...
I STRONGLY recommend the mini-trampoline if you want to eliminate belly flab quickly. Why? Because it's a convenient, total body workout on 1 simple piece of equipment. Working with thousands of women online, I've learned that convenience is a key factor in getting people to workout regularly. People are busy, so don't add to their busyness by having them go to the gym and schedule some hour long workout there.
That's time people just don't have these days. So get a mini-trampoline and jump on it in front of the tv. You can do it while watching TV or strictly during the commercials. It really doesn't make a difference.
Just get in AT LEAST 20 minutes a day... 30-45 is better for quicker results.

2. The only direct abs exercise that works for losing inches off your waist is the isometric vacuum pose
I have had 100's of my past online clients email me raving about this exercise. I don't blame them. You can lose 1.75-3 inches in a month or less using it. Unlike crunches and situps, the isometric "suck the belly in" vacuum pose will reduce your waistline.
As I just said, suck in your belly... the lower part by the belly button... and hold for as long as possible (at least 15 seconds). All you need to do is this for AT LEAST 5 minutes a day (do for 15-20 minutes if you want quicker results) and you'll lose those inches from your belly.
If you do what I just mentioned, you can get rid of stomach fat in just a few minutes here and there throughout the day without much effort and without causing any problems with your busy schedule.

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