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How to Get Rid of Love Handles Fast

Here's how to get rid of love handles fast. Read this now to find out the surprising solution. This is great for both men and women... especially if you're busy and don't have much time.

How to Get Rid of Love Handles Fast
1. Vacuum Pose inches off your whole waistline
The vacuum pose is an excellent exercise strictly for losing inches from your waist. Have you ever sucked in your belly for whatever reasons? Well, that's kinda what the vacuum pose is with the exception that you need to suck in the belly button part of your stomach.
By sucking in the lower part of your abs, you are getting the most out of this exercise. I've had clients lose 3 inches in a month using the vacuum pose.
They were doing it for 15-20 minutes a day, but you can still lose 1.5-2 inches in a month by doing this in just 5 minutes a day.

2. Hula hoop to tone down the love handles
Hula hooping is great for slimming and toning your whole waistline. Your love handles will start to shrink and soon disappear with regular use of the hula hoop.
I want you to hula hoop for at least 10-15 minutes a day. Don't worry, you don't have to do it all at once. You can do it 1-2 minutes at a time.
One thing, be sure you get a WEIGHTED hula hoop because these are easier to hula hoop with since they won't fall down as easily as lighter hula hoops.
How to get rid of love handles fast isn't hard if you commit to doing these 2 simple exercises in the privacy of your own home.

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