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How to Shrink Belly Fat Almost Immediately With These 2 Tricks!

Here's how to shrink belly fat almost instantly. Literally... you will begin to lose belly fat within seconds of using 2 weight loss tricks that are easy and can be done in just a few minutes a day.

Shrink Belly Fat
The key to get rid of stomach fat is to use hot and cold. Here's how...
1. Use heat from your hands to rub away belly fat
Rub your hands together. Once they get HOT, about 15 seconds, start rubbing little circles around your belly button where your stomach flab is. Do this for around 30 seconds. Repeat this for a total of 2-3 minutes. Do twice a day.
Why does this work?
The heat from your hands and the rubbing motion. Each serves a purpose. The rubbing in circles helps to improve your digestive efficiency. For maximum weight loss, you need a quick and efficient digestive system.
The heat goes right through your skin and into fat cells. Fat cells can't handle prolonged exposure to heat. So by repeating this hot hands belly rub over and over and over again everyday for a few minutes, this loosens up the fat deposits so they can be excreted.
Some of the fat cells even self-destruct immediately.

2. Use cold water to induce fat burning thermogenesis
Take your shower. Make this 1 change though. Once you're done with your shower, turn the knob so that the water becomes really cold. Then let the water run all over your body for 15-20 seconds.
This creates thermogenesis IMMEDIATELY. Your body literally begins burning off fat for heat and energy instantly.
Try out these 2 tricks and you can't help but to shrink belly fat.

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